You are following a script by which you live your life.
If you didn't write the script, other people did and you are living the life of their dreams.
If you did write the script
by which you live your life,
Continue creating the life of your dreams!
if it’s fame that U want
she’s elusive and fickle
she comes and goes as she pleases
her rewards mostly trickle
taste her once, U'll want more
just know she’s demanding
will U let her own U
or will U stand firm and keep standing
if it’s wealth that U seek
there are sacrifices to gain her
will U become a slave to her will
or supervise and maintain her
will U do all she asks
live and die for her too
or will U seek out YOUR path
& have her come look for U
if your best life is what you’re after
take or leave the wealth and fame
will U decide what gives life meaning
or watch others live and live the same
will U follow the crowd
give up your life to live theirs
or will U live in your purpose
even if no one else dares
in the great expanse of time
every soul that’s ever lived
faced the choices we still find:
do i take or do i give?
billions have come and billions have gone
what remained, once they were done
billions more will come and go
what deep truths will their lives show
for their time, for their place,
for the air that they breathed
for their loves, for their hates,
for their give and take deeds​​
and now here U rise
one of the billions still here
looking for answers
to who, what, when where
will U wish on a star
like so many do,
or choose who U are
the 1 only U​
lives don’t unfold by accident
we create them to great degree
by asking questions of ourselves
our answers guide us, U will see
yes, there’s randomness and luck
and some rely on destiny
but what U focus on has power
to shape the person U will be
so, what U need to do now
before going all in
before investing your soul
in a race U won’t win,
is write the script for your life
U will be the lead actor,
the producer, the director
the editor, the caster​
it’s your story
decide how U'll live it
what matters, what doesn't
how much effort U'll give it
U have great power
decide how U’ll wield it
with focus, with purpose,
with commitment, U’ll build it​
take time to think through
the coming questions in this text
use your answers to help guide U
to rise up and do what’s next
Copyright 2021 by Jerry L. Burrell
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce any
portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
Jerry L. Burrell is an American acrobat,
edutainer, and the founder and
director of ACRODUNK,
The United States FreesTYle Dunk Federation,
Jerry helps sports teams and coaches fundraise
in Fresno, CA and the surrounding area through