Who and what WILL U be and do?
How WILL U make your mark?
Consider consulting these resources to help you on your championship journey:
Victor Frankl
James Allen​​
7 Habits of Highly Successful People
Steven Covey​
Martin Luther King, Jr​​
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin​​
The Greatest Salesman In The World
Og Mandino
Abraham Lincoln
Solomon and others
Rick Warren
Movie about the
life of Charles Mutua Mulli
and the Mully Children's Family
James Clear
Copyright 2021 by Jerry L. Burrell
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce any
portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
Jerry L. Burrell is an American acrobat,
edutainer, and the founder and
director of ACRODUNK,
The United States FreesTYle Dunk Federation,
Jerry helps sports teams and coaches fundraise
in Fresno, CA and the surrounding area through